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The Upper Big Branch Mine disaster occurred on April 5, 2010 roughly 1,000 feet underground in Raleigh County, West Virginia at Massey Energy's Upper Big Branch coal mine located in Montcoal. Twenty-nine out of thirty-one miners at the site were killed.


"Silent Echoes: Remembering Upper Big Branch"
In West Virginia's heart of coal,
A tragedy that took its toll,
At Upper Big Branch, deep below,
Twenty-nine miners' lights ceased to glow.
April's sorrow, twenty-ten's pain,
In Raleigh's land, a mournful stain,
Where Massey's mine became the scene,
Of loss profound, where dreams careen.
In darkness deep, their spirits soar,
Twenty-nine souls forevermore,
Their legacy, a somber song,
In memory, they still belong.
In West Virginia's hills so grand,
Their memory held by every hand,
We honor them, forevermore,
Those miners lost at Upper's door.
In Loving Memory

Carl Calvin "Pee Wee" Acord
In Loving Memory

Christopher Bell
In Loving Memory

Gregory Steven Brock
In Loving Memory

Kenneth A. Chapman
In Loving Memory

Robert E. Clark
In Loving Memory

Cory Thomas Davis
In Loving Memory

Charles Timothy Davis
In Loving Memory

Michael Lee "Cuz" Elswick
In Loving Memory

William Ildon "Bob" Griffith
In Loving Memory

Steven "Smiley" Harrah
In Loving Memory

Edward Dean Jones
In Loving Memory

Richard K. Lane
In Loving Memory

Joe Marcum
In Loving Memory

Ronald Lee Maynor
In Loving Memory

Nicolas Darrell McCroskey
In Loving Memory

Adam Keith Morgan
In Loving Memory

Rex L. Mullins
In Loving Memory

Joshua Scott Napper
In Loving Memory

Howard D. "Boone" Payne
In Loving Memory

Gary Wayne Quarles
Dillard Earl "Dewey Persinger

Joel R. "Jody" Price

In Loving Memory

Gary Wayne Quarles
Grover Dale Skeens

Benny Ray Willingham

Ricky Workman

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