As I sit here, contemplating my roots and where my ancestors come from, I am struck by a realization that both sides of my paternal grandmother's family were from the Appalachian mountains of Tennessee and Alabama. Her dad's family settled in Rhea County TN and her Mom's side originally settled in the mountains in AL but moved to TN. It's fascinating to think about the traditions they may have had, and how they lived in those mountains, generation after generation. Now that I'm 67 years old, I have an opportunity to know everything about them and get to know the kinfolk that still live there.

I can't help but to be in awe as I begin to explore the history of my family and uncover the stories of those who came before me. It's incredible to think that my Granny's family on both sides were pioneers in this rugged, beautiful landscape.. My genealogy search has brought together family that I've heard mentioned many times when visiting my grandparents or listening to my parents conversations.
As I dig deeper into the history of my family, I find myself wondering why they stayed in the Appalachian mountains for so many generations. Was it the beauty of the land, the community they had built, or simply a lack of desire to move elsewhere? I imagine the mountains provided a sense of comfort and familiarity that was hard to replicate elsewhere, and my kinfolk may have found solace in the rugged landscape that surrounded them.

The Appalachian mountains have always held a special place in my heart, even before I knew that my family had roots so deeply there. There's something about the rolling hills, the dense forests, the sounds of water flowing in the creeks and down the waterfalls, and the quiet, peaceful way of life that gives me the desire to live there to see and feel what my family actually got to live.. I'm eager to learn more about this family whose stories for now are told in old photographs and genealogy research. Lord willing and the creek don't rise I hope I will have enough years left on this earth to do that.